Look Before You Lock Child in Car

In Hot Weather Never Leave a Child or Pet in a Vehicle

Rapidly rising temperatures inside a locked car can be fatal for a child in just a matter of minutes. New Mexico has lost 8 children to heat stroke since 1998. This can happen to anyone! Here are some tips to help avoid these unnecessary deaths and keep children safe.

  • Place your purse, wallet, glasses, cell phone or anything you always need on the back seat to compel you to turn around and look there every time you get out of the car.
  • Never leave a child unattended in a vehicle, even with the windows slightly open.
  • If you see a child alone in a car, you cannot immediately find the parents or caregivers, and the doors are locked, then call 911 to help get them out.
  • Watch children closely around vehicles, particularly when loading and unloading.
  • Make it a habit to always open the back door of your vehicle every time you reach your destination to make sure no child has been left behind.
  • Keep vehicles locked at all times; even in the garage or driveway and always set your parking brake. Never leave keys and/or remote openers where children can get them.
  • When a child is missing, check vehicles and car trunks first and immediately.

June Calendar of Special Events:

June 1 – National Donut Day
June 4 – National Cheese Day and Hot Air Balloon Day
June 9 – Donald Duck Day
June 12 – Red Rose Day and Peanut Butter Cookie Day
June 17 – Father’s Day
June 18 – International Picnic Day
June 21 – Summer Solstice
June 29 – Hug Holiday and International Mud Day

May 2018 Autism After-School Fun with Snakes

Autism After-School Program Update

In May, the Autism After-School Program ended its yearlong program with some great students and fun filled field trips. The program used a variety of funding to make it all possible. The group practiced their money management skills, social skills, cooking, and building great friendships. Our recreational respite will continue with swimming on the first Thursday of June. We are actively seeking further funding for our recreational respite program, and seeking qualified respite providers to meet our families’ needs.

For more information about becoming a respite provider, please contact Richard Flores at 505-404-8502.


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