International Literacy Day Favorite Children's Books

International Literacy Day Favorite Children's Books

International Literacy Day is recognized annually on September 8th.  It helps raise awareness about the importance of literacy. To celebrate, some of the Abrazos’ team shared their favorite children’s books.

Want to win one of the books below? Share your favorite children’s book in the comments section and you will be entered into a drawing for a copy of Don’t Call Me Special and I See Things Differently both by Pat Thomas. You can learn more about Pat Thomas in our interview with her! Comments must be made by noon (12:00 pm MST) on Friday, October 19th to be eligible for the drawing. 

Don't Call Me Special by Pat Thomas                I See Things Differently by Pat Thomas



Beth Sims, Developmental Specialist

Let’s Go Home, Little Bear by Martin Waddell

I love the book Let’s Go Home, Little Bear by Martin Waddell. There is such kindness in the book, as the big bear comforts and reassures the little one on a walk in the woods when unexpected noises scare the youngster. The drawings are lovely, and each scary noise gets identified and put in its place so the baby learns that it’s nothing to fear at all. The ending is warm and sweet. It’s a nice book for slightly older readers (9 to 12 years) to read on their own and very good as a book to open doors for children who need support to talk about their own fears and lay them to rest.

Let's Go Home Little Bear book cover


Randi Malach, Program Director

Red Is Best by  Kathy Stinson

This book is about a young child’s preference for all things red.  She loves the color red — her red socks help her jump higher, her red jacket allows her to be Little Red Riding Hood, her red barrettes make her hair laugh. Her mom does not understand and continues to suggest other options that she thinks are better. I like this book because it helped my daughter to learn that she was an individual and that she could make choices that helped her feel good about herself.  It reminded me that what is practical is not always what is best.

Red is Best book cover


Anne Saladino, Administrative Assistant

Old Coyote by Nancy Wood and Abuelita’s Secret Matzahs by S. Eisenberg Sasso with beautiful illustrations by Diana Bryer

Old Coyote is a sweet picture book about an old coyote looking back on his life as he approaches his last day while Abuelita’s Secret Matzahs is a wonderful story about family traditions and the universal importance of faith for people of all religious denominations.

Abuelita's Secret Matzahs book cover Old Coyote book cover


Emily Bihn, Lead Family Service Coordinator

Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein

Where the Sidewalk Ends is a collection of poems and drawings by Shel Silverstein.  There is something for everyone, young and old alike.  Some are just silly and outright ridiculous, but each one has a deeper meaning that even a child can understand.  This was one of my favorite books as a child, and I have also enjoyed reading this book to my children.  You can jump around to your favorites, make silly voices and sound effects, and spend as little or as much time as you are able to!

Where the Sidewalk Ends book cover


Katharine Harmeyer, Developmental Specialist

No, David! by David Shannon

I loved reading the book No, David! To my children, especially my youngest son, David. I like that while David gets into lots of mischief and mayhem, at the end of the book his mom reminds him that she loves him and gives him a hug.

No, David! book cover


Chris Maxwell, Family Service Coordinator

Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein

I love Shel Silverstein books and Where the Sidewalk Ends was the first books of his I had.  “Ickle me, Pickle me, Tickle Me Too” is my favorite poem and one I used to enjoy reading to my daughter and we would see how fast we could say the poem. Here is the poem if you’ve never heard it.

Where the Sidewalk Ends book cover



Hilary Velazquez, Occupational Therapist

Little Beauty/Cosita Linda by Anthony Browne available in both English and Spanish

I love this book for young children who are just barely starting to listen to simple stories (usually between 2-4 years old) because it has a simple plot, only a few words per page, beautiful and humorous illustrations, and touches on some more complex emotions than just happy and sad (think surprised, worried, furious). It is a sweet story about a gorilla and his pet kitten. The gorilla communicates through sign language with his keepers and tells them that he wants a little friend. And that is where the fun begins!

Little Beauty book cover


April Spaulding, Executive Director

I Love You, Stinky Face by Lisa McCourt and Cyd Moore

I love this book because as a parent of boys, they smelled bad and broke things and made messes!  But at the end of the day we could snuggle in bed and make light of the day’s disasters and remind them that no matter what happened during the day, I loved them more than anything and we would always be able to deal with whatever.

I Love You, Stinky Face book cover


Morgan O’Donnell, Communications Manager

Goodnight Darth Vader by Jeffrey Brown

I love this book because bedtime can be challenging for almost any household, but reading Goodnight Darth Vader makes it fun for both the child as well as the adult Star Wars fan. Added bonus, it was good to know that even Darth struggles to get his children to sleep.

Good Night Darth Vader book cover


Terri Lara, Developmental Specialist

Go, Dog. Go! by P.D. Eastman.

It is an easy-to-read beginner book with bright pictures and an assortment of dogs in a variety of activities. The night scene is one I can relate to easily with all the dogs asleep except one, eyes open wide. So funny!

Go, Dog, Go! book cover


Remember to share your favorite children’s book in the comments below to be entered to win a copy of one of Pat Thomas’ books. Additionally, if you decide to purchase a book, please use AmazonSmile and select Abrazos Family Support Services as your charity. We appreciate your support!


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